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National Research Centre for Groundnut Jobs 2015, Walk in, Skilled Helper

Walk in On - 23-07-2015 at 10:30 AM.
Place - Gujarat ( India )

National Research Centre for Groundnut Jobs 2015 Notification 

ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research, National Research Centre for Groundnut (NRCG) has noticed with the official advertisement for the posts of Skilled Helpers purely on contractual basis. So those who are eligible to go for the stated posts are required to appear for the walk in on  23-07-2015 sharp at 10:30 AM. Other information or relevance like as educational qualification, age limits, how to apply etc. are detailed as under.

About The Company 

The Union Minister of Agriculture is the President of the ICAR. Its principal officer is the Director-General (DG). He is also the Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE). The General Body, the supreme authority of the ICAR, is headed by the Minister of Agriculture, Government of India. Its members include the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries and senior officers of the various state governments, representatives of the parliament, the agro-industries, scientific organisations and farmers.
The Governing Body is the chief executive and decision making authority of the ICAR. It is headed by the Director-General. It consists of eminent agricultural scientists, educators, legislators and representative of farmers. It is assisted by the Standing Finance Committee, Accreditation Board, Regional Committees and several Scientific Panels. The Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education and Director-General of the ICAR functions as the Principal Advisor to the Government of India in all matters concerning research and education in agriculture, and allied fields.

National Research Centre for Groundnut Recruitment 2015 information 
Posts Availability - 05 Posts
Post Name - Skilled Helpers

Educational Qualification - 
Those who are going to apply for the posts of skilled helper in national research center for groundnut recruitment 2015 are required  to hold the passing certificate of Higher secondary in area of science as set by the official authority.

Salary Figures - 
As per given in the official notice, selected candidates will get  an emoluments of Rs 8000/- PM.

How to apply - 
There will be an walk in interview for the stated posts scheduled to be held on 23-07-2015 at 10:30 AM on venue as -  Committee Room (Ground Floor), ICAR-DGR. It is also clearly specified that Candidates are required to bring (i) a recent passport size photograph; and (ii) Original certificates of academic and Date of Birth along with a photocopy of each at the time of interview. No travelling or other expenses will be paid to the candidates for appearing at the interview.

Official advertisement,national research center for groundnut vacancies 2015, Skilled helper 

For  entire  job  list click here 

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