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BCKV Recruitment 2015 For JRF And SRF Positions

Date of Advertisement -  09-08-2015 ( Application must be reached till 15 days of advertisement )
Place - Nadia ( West Bengal )

BCKV Recruitment 2015 Notification 

Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) has advertised about the official notification for the posts of 06 SRF and JRF and also accepting application from same till 15 days from the date of announcement. So those who are eligible and also willing to apply for the posts must send  their online application by the due date of 09-08-2015. Information of importance like as educational qualification, age limits, how to apply etc. are mentioned below. There will be five different projects this time for which JRFs and SRFs are required.

BCKV Recruitment 2015 Information 
Posts  Availability - 06 Posts
Post Name
1)  Junior Research Fellow -  03 posts
2)  JRF/ SRF -  02 posts
3)  SRF -  01 post

Educational Qualification - 
Those applying for bckv jobs for jrf and srf posts 2015 are required to hold the following qualifications -
a ) JRF Posts -  Aspirants are required to hold Masters degree in Harvest Technology, Agriculture, Plant Pathology, Agriculture etc. are eligible to apply for the posts.
Note - Full details can be gained from the tagged in official notification.

How to apply - 
Those who are possessing interested for the above mentioned posts are required to design their application on a plain paper and to mention their names, addresses, contact nos etc. properly and then have to tag in together with their credentials and testimonials to be reached to official address Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), OIC/ Principal Investigator of the project till mentioned tenure.

There will be five different projects for SRF and JRF this time as mentioned below. 
a ) "Radiation technology for shelf life extensionof Horticultural perishables" Component-2, RNARC
b )"Bioefficacy of Glyphosphate 4i % SL IPA salt on the crop Tea and Non- Cropped area".
c )"Study of rice yield under low light intensity using genomic approach".
d )"Study of rice yield under low light intensity using genomic approach".
e )"Development of abiotic stress tolerant rice suitable for W.Bengal agro-climate with special emphasis to draught and P deficiency".

Official notice, bckv jobs for jrf and srf vacancies 2015

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